When to Cut Hydrangeas for Drying
The ideal time to cut hydrangea blossoms for drying
is toward the end of the season, August through October,
when the larger petals, which are really sepals,
are starting to fade or change color
and the tiny flowers on top of the colorful sepals are just beginning to open.
If you can't really see the tiny flowers on your hydrangea variety,
you can simply judge by the changing shades of color.
Don't worry too much about being exact. Hydrangeas are forgiving flowers;
you can simply let them dry on the plant until the sepals feel papery.
You might not get the best color and
they won't last as long as the water dried method explained below,
but it sure is easy to do.
The only time drying hydrangeas on the plant is a bad idea is during a rainy season.
The flowers will turn brown before you get a chance to dry them.
fade 褪色