You are excellent at encouraging and inspiring others to take important chances and to pursue their dreams.

You can see the good in someone even when that person cannot see the merit of their own talents and unique abilities.

But you don't always do the same for yourself, Capricorn. This week, you may be presented with a special opportunity that fits you to a "t."

This is so meant for you that it might as well come to you wrapped up with a ribbon,

but you may not recognize how well you could do with it.

Take some time this week to recognize your own talents and abilities,

and urge and inspire yourself to move forward as this could result in the realization of a dream.

All week long, you may experience restless sleep and recall remnants of strange dreams.

These dreams could have significance if you recall them and spend some time analyzing potential meanings.

Keep a pen and paper by your bed to write down anything you can recall about your nocturnal wanderings.

This information could be important.

A friend or relative may need encouragement this week,

but they may not have the nerve to ask for it. If you sense this,

you may want to be the one who fills the important role of a mentor.

You have so much to offer here.


對於鼓勵並啟發別人去抓住他們的機會來追求他們的夢想 你真的是一個貴人。



這個禮拜你可能會收到一個特別的機會 而且這個機會非常適合你。

這是特意留給你的一份禮物。 你可能不想承認你能把這件事情處理得很好。

這個禮拜花一點時間去想想你的能力和才能到底是什麼, 並且趕快激勵你朝下一步邁進,這樣可以幫助你,更能了解你的夢想。

這一個禮拜你可能會經歷失眠或者是想到一些奇怪的夢。 這些夢有一些特別的意義,如果你想起來的話 記得花一點時間去了解潛在的意義。

在你的床放上一支筆和紙吧! 當你想起這些奇特的夢境,試著把它寫下來,這些事情可能很重要 .

這週可能朋友或是親戚需要一些鼓勵, 或許他們沒有直接表明,  但是如果你感受到了,  就好好的引導他們吧!


pursue   追求

remnant 殘留的部分

    創作者 greensleeves 的頭像


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